Read more about the article Brazilian passenger operators face $US 1.3bn loss in 2020

Brazilian passenger operators face $US 1.3bn loss in 2020

THE Brazilian National Association of Passenger Rail Operators (ANPTrilhos) says metro, urban and light rail operators across the country are expecting a total loss of Reais 7.4bn ($US 1.3bn) by…

CPTM receives new train for the Guarulhos Airport line

Companhia Paulista de Trens Metropolitanos (CPTM), which operates passenger trains in the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo, received the second train with suitable luggage space, which will circulate on Line…

Read more about the article ANPTrilhos signs Technical Cooperation Agreement with the Ministry of Infrastructure
Roberta Marchesi and Marcello Costa signed the Technical Cooperation Agreement between ANPTrilhos and the Ministry of Infrastructure

ANPTrilhos signs Technical Cooperation Agreement with the Ministry of Infrastructure

The National Association of Passenger Rail Operators (ANPTrilhos) and the Ministry of Infrastructure (MInfra), through the National Secretariat for Land Transport (SNTT), signed a Technical Cooperation Agreement (ACT), which will…