Private initiative will be responsible for the São Paulo-Campinas Intercidades Train

The C2 Mobility on Rails Consortium (TIC Trens) signed the concession contract for the Intercidades Train (TIC) Eixo Norte, which will connect Brazil’s largest metropolis, São Paulo, to the countryside, in the city of Campinas. The group composed of Comporte Participações and the Chinese CRRC won the auction in February this year. The project budgeted at R$14.2 billion.

The TIC will be the express service on 101 km of tracks between São Paulo and Campinas, with a stop in Jundiaí, the project also includes the implementation of the Intermetropolitan Train (TIM) between Campinas and Jundiaí, also in the interior of the State, and the concession of the Line 7-Rubi, currently operated by Companhia Paulista de Trens Metropolitanos (CPTM) on the connection from Jundiaí to the capital.

The TIC Eixo Norte will benefit around 15 million people in 11 municipalities and generate more than 10.5 thousand jobs, including direct, indirect and induced.

Actions prior to the construction of the three TIC Eixo Norte services will be carried out until June 2026. The effective start of construction of all project lines must occur within two years from the formalization of the concession agreement.

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