ANPTrilhos superintendent receives JK Medal

ANPTrilhos’ president, Joubert Flores, delivers the JK Medal to Roberta Marchesi

On the International Women’s Day, the superintendent of ANPTrilhos, Roberta Marchesi received in Brasília, Brazil’s capital, an important distinction of the transportation sector, the Ordem do Mérito do Transporte Brasileiro – Medalha JK (Order of Merit of the Brazilian Transportation – JK Medal). The homage is given by the Confederação Nacional do Transporte (CNT) In recognition of the development work in the area of transportation.

“This is a traditional recognition of the transportation sector, one of the largest in the segment. For us at ANPTrilhos, such a new entity, to already have that recognition, coming from my work, really is exceptional. We are very happy about this and honored to receive this tribute from the CNT”, said the executive on the awards ceremony night.

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