Since the beginning of the pandemic caused by Covid-19 (declared in March in Brazil) subway, urban train and Light Rail Vehicle systems throughout Brazil are reinforcing the cleaning and sanitizing of stations and trains as a preventive measure of coronavirus proliferation. All recommendations from the Municipal and State Health Departments, as well as from the Ministry of Health, are being followed by subway operators across Brazil.

Stations and trains are being reinforced in hygiene, especially on surfaces with greater contact with passengers, such as handrails, escalators, benches and ticket offices, with the use of products and new technologies. Use of special disinfectants; spraying ionized droplets of disinfectants; disinfection tunnels; ultraviolet technology; and temperature gauging cameras are some of the measures implemented.

Awareness-raising actions are also being carried out with passengers about the care and importance of everyone’s contribution to combating the proliferation of Covid-19. The correct use of the mask and hygiene care are part of the operators’ awareness campaigns. The guidelines are being displayed on train and station monitors, as well as on speaker systems.

All measures are aimed at the safety of passengers and system personnel and it is essential that everyone contribute to combating the proliferation of the virus.

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