Premio Tecnologia ANPTrilhos-CBTU - Vencedores-600px
Winners of the 4th ANPTrilhos-CBTU Award received the awards in Sao Paulo

The National Association of Passenger Rail Operators (ANPTrihos) and the Companhia Brasileira de Trens Urbanos (CBTU) performed the September the ceremony to deliver the 4th Metro Rail Technology & Development Award ANPTrilhos-CBTU, at the opening of the 23rd Metro Rail Technology Week, in the city of Sao Paulo.

The technical article “Methodology, tools and techniques for reducing costs and risks in planning and contract management”, by Leandro Kojima, was the winner of Category 1.

“Management for execution of projects close to the subway structures in operation. Case study: large building Ufficiale Evaristo Comolatti – Paulista Avenue x Consolação Street “was the category 2 category winner. The article was written by Karina Gonçalves de Oliveira, Guilherme Braidato Robbe, Paula Maia Ribeiro Avesani and Hugo Cassio Rocha.

While the technical article “The use of BIM in railway station projects | experience in practice – CPTM “, by Daniela Doval Santos and Luiza Orsini Cavalcanti, was the winner in Category 3.

The awards ceremony was conducted by the Executive Director of ANPTrilhos João Gouveia, by Superintendent CBTU Recife Leonardo Villar Beltrão and by the President of AEAMESP Pedro Machado.

“The objective of the Award is to encourage and enhance technological production in the metro-rail sector, the exchange of experiences between companies and professionals in our industry,” said the Executive Director of ANPTrilhos João Gouveia, during the award ceremony.

The 4th Metro Rail Technology and Development Award ANPTrilhos-CBTU is an initiative of ANPTrilhos and CBTU, with the support of the Association of Engineers and Architects of Metro (AEAMESP).

The Technology Award was created with the purpose of encouraging technical production in the metro rail sector and the technological exchange among professionals in the sector, disseminating and giving recognition to the technical and academic production of these professionals, contributing to the improvement of the transportation of passengers on rails in Brazil.

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