Leia mais sobre o artigo ANPTrilhos superintendent receives JK Medal
Joubert Flores entregou a Medalha JK para Roberta Marchesi

ANPTrilhos superintendent receives JK Medal

On the International Women’s Day, the superintendent of ANPTrilhos, Roberta Marchesi received in Brasília, Brazil’s capital, an important distinction of the transportation sector, the Ordem do Mérito do Transporte Brasileiro…

Bahia intends to grant VLT in new modelling

The Government of the State of Bahia must enter into a partnership with private investors to make feasible the remodelling project of the suburban train from Salvador to a Veículo…

Metro-DF installs panels that inform train schedules

Passengers can check the exact time that the trains arrive at the stations. The technology was developed by the company’s technicians. The Companhia do Metropolitano do DF (Metrô-DF) has installed…