Brazilian government plans medium-speed trains in São Paulo and Brasília

The Brazilian government plans the construction of two medium-speed train lines. The first would connect São Paulo to Americana, going through Jundiaí and Campinas, both cities in the countryside of São Paulo state, in a 135 km path. The other, between Brasília and Goiânia in the center-west region of the country, would be 210 km long.

The feasibility study for both projects are already at the Secretaria Executiva do Programa de Parcerias para Investimentos – PPI (Executive Secretariat of the Investment Partnerships Program), by the federal government, which concentrates the federal projects in logistics infrastructure. The PPI managers will meet with representatives of the São Paulo government to discuss the matter and try to move forward in the project’s business model. While the Brasília-Goiânia train is being analysed by Agência Nacional de Transportes Terrestres (ANTT) and a Procedimento de Manifestação de Interesse (PMI) must be published to evaluate the market’s interest.

The Brasília-Goiânia train project is estimated to have a total cost of US$ 8.5 billions. This value is equivalent to about US$ 40 millions per kilometre. The Brasília-Goiânia train project is estimated at US $ 5.5 billion. There are also other interconnections with the Vale do Paraíba, Baixada Santista and Sorocaba, all in the state of São Paulo.

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