Leia mais sobre o artigo Natal will have another passenger transport line on rails
As obras do trecho ferroviário da Linha Roxa vão beneficiar inicialmente cerca de 2 mil passageiros por dia em Natal, Extremoz e São Gonçalo do Amarante (Foto: Dênio Simões/MDR).

Natal will have another passenger transport line on rails

The Metropolitan Region of Natal, in the State of Rio Grande do Norte, in the Northeast of Brazil, will receive a new passenger transport line on rails. The Brazilian government…

Leia mais sobre o artigo Brazilian government announces investments in railway systems in Natal, Recife and João Pessoa
Ministro Rogério Marinho autorizou o início das obras na linha ferroviária de Natal e anunciou investimentos em Recife e João Pessoa (Foto: Adalberto Marques/Ascom MDR)

Brazilian government announces investments in railway systems in Natal, Recife and João Pessoa

The Ministry of Regional Development of Brazil announced an investment of R$ 89.3 million in passenger transportation systems on rails of the Companhia Brasileira de Trens Urbano (CBTU) in Natal…