Professionals in the passenger rail sector in Brazil began to receive the first dose of the vaccine against Covid-19 in the State of São Paulo and in the cities of Porto Alegre, in the State of Rio Grande do Sul; Salvador, in the State of Bahia; and Maceió, in the State of Alagoas.

In São Paulo, all professionals working on the São Paulo Metro, ViaQuatro, ViaMobilidade and CPTM began to be vaccinated on May 11, at the initiative of the state government. In Porto Alegre, Trensurb, the operator of the trains that serve the Metropolitan Region, got the vaccination of security professionals with the city administration. In Maceió and Salvador, vaccination is being carried out by the cities governments and began on May 17 and 19 respectively.

Public transport is an essential service and its professionals were included in the priority list of the national vaccination campaign against Covid-19, but it is up to the States and Municipalities to determine the immunization period for each category.

Read more in Portuguese:

Metro rail workers are vaccinated against Covid-19 in RS and SP

Salvador and Maceió vaccinate subway workers against Covid-19

Allan Douglas Silva Fulco, Supervisor Técnico de Manutenção da CBTU Maceió. Foto: Divulgação CBTU Maceió
Vicente Correia, Agente Especializado de Engenharia do Metrô Bahia. Foto: Divulgação CCR Metrô Bahia
Leandro Caldas, Agente de Atendimento e Segurança Líder do Metrô Bahia. Foto: Divulgação CCR Metrô Bahia
Juliana Cruz, Agente de Atendimento de Estação do Metrô Bahia. Foto: Divulgação CCR Metrô Bahia
Keila Silva Pego, Agente de Segurança da ViaMobilidade, após receber a vacina em São Paulo. Foto: Divulgação Secretaria dos Transportes Metropolitanos do Estado de São Paulo.
Katia Cassiano é Operadora de Trem do Metrô de São Paulo e recebeu a vacina nesta 3ª feira. Foto: Divulgação Secretaria dos Transportes Metropolitanos do Estado de São Paulo.
Bruno Gabriel Tauber é maquinista da CPTM e recebeu a vacina nesta 3ª feira. Foto: Divulgação Secretaria dos Transportes Metropolitanos do Estado de São Paulo.
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