The Chairman of the Board of the National Association of Passenger Rail Operators (ANPTrilhos), Joubert Flores, and the Executive Director of ANPTrilhos, Roberta Marchesi, attended a meeting with the President of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro, in Brasília (DF), at the last month.

ANPTrilhos and 21 other institutions met with the President of the Republic to thank the extension of the payroll exemption for the 17 sectors that employ the most, including the metro-railway sector, and to raise awareness of the importance of making the measure permanent.

The payroll exemption allows companies to replace the social security contribution of 20% on employees’ salaries with a rate on gross revenue, which varies from 1% to 4.5%.

“The metro-railway sector employs around 40,000 people directly and more than 150,000 throughout the chain, and the exemption will contribute to the maintenance of jobs and the reduction of charges, at a time when the sector is experiencing its greatest crisis in the face of of the Covid-19 pandemic”, explains the Executive Director of ANPTrilhos, Roberta Marchesi.

During the meeting, the Chairman of the ANPTrilhos Board, Joubert Flores, formalized the invitation for President Jair Bolsonaro to participate in the ANPTrilhos Mobility Forum, which will be held on July 27, in Brasília.


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