Study coordinated by BNDES and Cities identifies urban mobility projects in 21 Brazilian metropolises

Expand investments in mobility infrastructure, improve service quality and attract more passengers to public transport in 21 Brazilian metropolises with populations exceeding 1 million inhabitants. These are some of the objectives of the National Urban Mobility Study, coordinated by the National Bank for Economic Development (BNDES), in partnership with the Ministry of Cities, both from the Government of Brazil.

The Bank will invest R$27.8 million to carry out the study, through its Project Structuring Fund (BNDES FEP). The work will be carried out by the consultancy Bain Company, in a consortium formed by the engineering companies Logit, Oficina, TYLin and the law firm Machado Meyer.

With a long-term perspective of up to 30 years, the National Urban Mobility Study will identify dozens of medium and high capacity projects in all regions of Brazil, in addition to addressing the optimization and integration of transport networks, alternatives for financing the system and coordinated management between federative entities.

The research, which lasts 12 months, will help to develop the National Urban Mobility Strategy. The intention is to promote the Union’s partnership with metropolitan regions to make projects viable, in addition to boosting investments in urban mobility in cities. The result will also contribute to forming the portfolio of concession projects and public-private partnerships (PPPs) that promote investments to improve public services within the scope of the New PAC.

The work is supported by a knowledge and collaboration network made up of dozens of institutions in the sector and representatives of federal, state and municipal governments, such as: IPEA, IBGE, ANTP, ANPTrilhos, ITDP Brasil, WRI Brasil, CONSETRAM, Forum of Secretaries and Urban Mobility Directors, National Front of Mayors and National Confederation of Municipalities

Metropolitan regions – The locations covered by the study cover the following host cities: Porto Alegre, Florianópolis, Curitiba, Santos, Campinas, São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Vitória, Goiânia, Federal District, Salvador, Maceió, Recife, João Pessoa, Natal, Teresina, São Luís, Fortaleza, Belém and Manaus.

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