Leia mais sobre o artigo ANPTrilhos associates participate in Best Practices Workshop
Lecturers at the 2019 Best Practices Workshop

ANPTrilhos associates participate in Best Practices Workshop

The National Association of Passenger Rail Operators (ANPTrilhos) held the 2019 ANPTrilhos Best Practices Workshop in October in the city of São Paulo (SP). This was the third edition of…

CRRC Vice President attends meeting with ANPTrilhos

Roberta Marchesi, Executive Director of the National Association of Passenger Rail Operators (ANPTrilhos), met CRRC Vice President Zhang Anying at the Association's headquarters in Brasilia, the Brazilian capital. The Executive…

Leia mais sobre o artigo Vice-President of Brazil meets with ANPTrilhos
Roberto Labarthe, Counselor of ANPTrilhos; João Gouveia Ferrão Neto, Executive Vice President of ANPTrilhos; Hamilton Mourão, Vice-President of Brazil; Roberta Marchesi, Executive Director of ANPTrilhos; and José Cláudio Sicco, Technology Vice President of ANPTrilhos. Photo: Romério Cunha/VPR

Vice-President of Brazil meets with ANPTrilhos

The National Association of Passenger Rail Operators (ANPTrilhos) met with Brazil's Vice President, Hamilton Mourão on June 24 in Brasilia, the country's capital, to formalize the delivery of the 2019-2022…

Metro Bahia celebrates 5 years anniversary

After being considered one of the largest works of urban mobility in Brazil in recent years and one of the fastest infrastructure works in the world, Sistema Metroviário de Salvador…