Joubert Flores participated in the 23rd Alamys Technical Committees 


The President of National Association of Passenger Rail Operators (ANPTrilhos) Joubert Flores participated in the event 23rd Alamys Technical Committees, held from May 20 to 24 in Madrid, Spain.

The executive participated in the technical session “Public-Private Experiences for the Development of the Subway”, lecturing on the private participation in the Brazilian metro rail sector. Flores emphasized that there is a strong tendency for new urban railroad mobility projects to be carried out in the PPP modality and that there is also interest of the private sector in the operations of existing lines that are in concession process.

“ANPTrilhos defends the investment for the development of rail transport networks, public or private. It is fundamental that the contributions are concretized, guaranteeing the greater offer of transport for the citizens, “explained Joubert Flores.

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