The pandemic caused by Covid-19 impacted various sectors of the economy and strongly impacted personal relationships, work, study and the functioning of cities. Thinking about the resumption and how life will have to be adapted to the new world context, the National Association of Passenger Rail Operators (ANPTrilhos), with the support of the National Front of Mayors (FNP), the National Council of Transport Secretaries (Consetrans) and the National Forum of Secretaries and Managers of Urban Mobility, launches the document “The Future of Mobility”, which presents the guidelines for the reformulation of Brazilian public transport.

The purpose of the document is to present proposals and solutions for public and private managers to assess the appropriate mobility measures for the different realities of Brazilian cities. Eight fundamental premises for the development of public transport are presented:

1. Promote long-term planning;
2. Prioritize structuring transport and its integration;
3. Eliminate overlap between modes;
4. Financing public transport through individual transport;
5. Instruments for financing emergency situations;
6. Financing of gratuities;
7. Greater collaboration and cooperation between the Government and the public transport sector in emergencies; and
8. Centralized management for the entire Metropolitan Region.

The complete document is available on ANPTrilhos’ website, in Portuguese. Click here to download.

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