The National Association of Passenger Rail Operators (ANPTrilhos), an entity that represents the Metro, urban train and Light Rail Vehicle operators in Brazil, worked with the Brazilian Congress to approve Bill 3364/2020, which deals with emergency relief for public transport in the face of pandemic caused by Covid-19, which occurred on 18 November. The Association has acted since the beginning of the process, when the rail transport sector was not included in the text to receive part of the appeal, by the approval of a text that would serve the sector.

“We work tirelessly in favor of the project, as the rail passenger sector is an important part of Brazilian urban mobility and the resource is fundamental for the continuity of the provision of services to passengers. Our entity thanks the sensitization of the member of parliament, which allowed the inclusion of the sector as a beneficiary of the resources coming from the emergency relief, contemplating public and private operators ”, highlights the Executive Vice President of ANPTrilhos, João Gouveia.

Transport is an essential service for the population and is used mainly for commuting to work and by people who live far from urban centers. Emergency assistance to the Brazilian metro-rail sector is essential to contribute to maintaining the service to the population, which will be the most affected if the systems collapse.

Since the pandemic decree in March, the systems of the subway, urban train and Light Rail Vehicle in Brazil have accumulated a deficit of R$ 7 billion, only in terms of tariff revenue.

“The gravity of the situation is so evident that the Ministry of Economy published in the Official Gazette, in September, the list of sectors of the economy most affected by the pandemic, with the objective of guiding the financial development agencies on the most impacted areas. Passenger rail and metro transport ranks 3rd on the list, followed by other public transport modes, ”explains Gouveia.

Even in the face of all this crisis, the sector maintained the quality of the service provided to the population, ensuring the displacement of those who need public transport.

National Association of Passenger Rail Operators – ANPTrilhos

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