
The Companhia Paulista de Trens Metropolitanos (CPTM) started in October the direct train service from Luz Station, in the center of São Paulo to Guarulhos International Airport, via Line 13-Jade.

The Airport Express service ticket costs R$ 8,00 and can be purchased at both stations. The boarding and disembarkation are carried out in exclusive platforms for the service, which also has its own line of blocks (turnstiles).

Departure times from Aeroporto-Guarulhos Station, on platform 2 are: 9 am, 11 am, 1 pm, 3 pm and 9 pm. At Luz Station, on platform 5, the trains leave at the following times: 10h, 12h, 14h, 16h and 22h. The Airport Express operates from Monday to Friday.

The Connect service, with travels from Brás Station to Aeroporto-Guarulhos, also requires the transfer between trains at the Engenheiro Goulart station, but it stops at all stations along the route. The fare is the same as the metro rail system, R$ 4.00.

During the week, the trips of Connect on Brás direction are carried out at the following times: 6:20 am, 7 am, 7:40, 6 pm, 6:40 pm and 7:20 pm. On Saturdays: 6:20 am, 7 am and 7:40 am. On the Airport direction, the working day schedules are: 6:25 am, 7:05 am, 7:45 am, 6:05 pm, 6:45 pm and 7:25 pm. On Saturdays: 6:25 am, 7:05 am and 7:45 am. Connect does not work on Sundays.

On a daily basis, the trains of Line 13 circulate, on weekdays, with a 20 minute interval during the busiest times, between 5 am and 8 am and between 5 pm and 8 pm. At other times and days of the week, where there is less passenger demand, the interval is 30 minutes.

Line 13-Jade is 12.2 km long and has three stations: Goulart Station (Lines 12-Sapphira and 13-Jade), Guarulhos-Cecap and Aeroporto-Guarulhos.

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