The Secretaria de Estado de Transportes of Rio de Janeiro started the Public Consultation for contributions to the Term of Reference for contracting the company that will carry out the processing of transportation transactions using public resources, in addition to consolidating all the data generated by the systems of electronic ticketing of each modal (bus, train, subway, boats and vans), which includes the Bilhete Único Intermunicipal and the gratuities granted by law. The documents are available on the Setrans website.

Contributions will be received until 6:00 pm on February 9 2018, through the email Only suggestions that contain the participant’s ID and the contact (phone or email) will be evaluated.

In this new model, it will be possible for example to expand the analysis of information related to urban mobility, such as the number of passengers and travels, integrating the geo-referenced data to the electronic ticketing transactions and tracking the volume of resources circulating in the transport cards.

Another advantage will be the adoption of full interoperability among all ticketing systems of all means, with electronic ticketing functioning in an integrated manner, regardless of its issuer. The employment of this model will be gradual so that there is no impact on the lives of users of transportation services.

With information from Secretaria Estadual de Transportes of Rio de Janeiro

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