VLT Carioca na região Central do Rio de Janeiro. Foto: Emilio Fávero
VLT Carioca in the Central region of Rio de Janeiro. Photo by Emilio Fávero


One month after the start of the operation with passengers in Central do Brasil, a connection station between the lines of passenger transport systems on rails in the city of Rio de Janeiro, it is possible to notice significant changes in Carioca VLT. The main one is the flow of passengers. The average number of people transported per working day increased 25% in the period, reaching peaks of 58 thousand/day. The new VLT Carioca station is already operating as the second busiest station in the system, currently receiving about 10,000 people a day between boarding and unboarding, behind Cinelândia only.

The works of Line 3 of the VLT in Rio de Janeiro are scheduled to start in January 2018, with operations scheduled for the end of the year. The engineering works for the implementation of line 3 began in November.

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